Friday 18 September 2020

Maths Quiz

Today we created a Maths Quiz in Scratch Jnr.

Scratch Jnr is an app where we can  program our own interactive stories and games. While we are doing this we are learning to solve problems, design projects, and express ourselves creatively. 
We use our computational thinking to design a digital outcome. We have to test our code to make sure our sprites do what we want them to. If they need fixing we are "debugging". 

Scratch Jnr runs on an iPad or an android tablet. Click here to download the free app.

Today we had to think of a maths equation then create 2 incorrect answers and one correct answer. Then we had to code it so the player would know if they had chosen the right answer. 

Here is Angus' work. This is a screen recording so it is not interactive but it shows how the quiz works.

Friday 11 September 2020

Storytelling with Scratch Jnr

 We have been creating stories in Scratch Jnr. 

We had 2 sprites in our story and they were greeting each other then going to play a game. We had to code each sprite to move, to talk and to wait. Some of us could make them bounce! 

We had to make 2 different scenes and code the story to move to the second scene. We had to code and test our story as we worked on each sprite and each scene.  We had to debug if the sprites did not do what we wanted them to.