Friday 27 November 2020

Things I like

 Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were leanring how to find images that we are allowed to use. We saved the images and then we made a movie with them. 

Here is Kyle's movie. He likes lots of things. What do you like?

Friday 20 November 2020


 At Matawai School we have to wear a sunhat in term 1 and term 4. We all have school hats to wear. Our hats hang up in the corridor when we are not wearing them. As well as this we sit in the shade to eat. We took photos of each other eating our lunch in the shade. We took a photo of a place we like to play as well. 

Here are some of our movies about being sunsmart. 

Tuesday 10 November 2020

The Chicks Have Hatched!

 When we got to school on Tuesday we found that some of our chickens had hatched. Some were fluffy and some were wet. The wet ones had just hatched. We saw some eggs with cracks in them and little tiny beaks sticking out.

We took some photos and videos of the chicks in the incubator and made a movie about them. Some of us are taking chicks home with us.

Here are some of our movies.

Olivia's movie...  

Jack's movie 


Lachie's movie... 

Friday 16 October 2020

Editing and Labelling Photos

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were editing photos. We took a selfie and used the editing tools on our iPad. We were able to use filters, draw with a pen and found the magnifying glass. That was a lot of fun!

Then we put our photos together in Explain Everything. 

We had taken a photo of your "Spud in a Bucket" yesterday so we learned how to label the photo in Explain Everything.

Here are Ruby's photos...

Friday 18 September 2020

Maths Quiz

Today we created a Maths Quiz in Scratch Jnr.

Scratch Jnr is an app where we can  program our own interactive stories and games. While we are doing this we are learning to solve problems, design projects, and express ourselves creatively. 
We use our computational thinking to design a digital outcome. We have to test our code to make sure our sprites do what we want them to. If they need fixing we are "debugging". 

Scratch Jnr runs on an iPad or an android tablet. Click here to download the free app.

Today we had to think of a maths equation then create 2 incorrect answers and one correct answer. Then we had to code it so the player would know if they had chosen the right answer. 

Here is Angus' work. This is a screen recording so it is not interactive but it shows how the quiz works.

Friday 11 September 2020

Storytelling with Scratch Jnr

 We have been creating stories in Scratch Jnr. 

We had 2 sprites in our story and they were greeting each other then going to play a game. We had to code each sprite to move, to talk and to wait. Some of us could make them bounce! 

We had to make 2 different scenes and code the story to move to the second scene. We had to code and test our story as we worked on each sprite and each scene.  We had to debug if the sprites did not do what we wanted them to. 

Friday 28 August 2020


 This week we practised our reading by recording ourselves in Explain Everything.

We took photos of the pages so you can see what we were reading. 

Here is Mack's reading...

Here is Mana's reading...

Saturday 15 August 2020

Creating with Shapes

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were learning how to make shapes with shapes.

We worked out how to draw a triangle using the free draw tool in Explain Everything. It was tricky because we had to join the corners.  We put an image as a background as well.

Here is Lachie's house. Can you see which part of his house he used a triangle for? I like the way he added a letterbox as well.


Friday 7 August 2020

Puppet Show

Today we were crating Puppet Shows from our reading book with Explain Everything.
We had to take photos of the book and use the scalpel tool to cut out the characters.
Then we made our characters talk and move.

Here is Mack's Puppet Show. 
Can you see how carefully he used the scalpel tool? 
Ka pai to mahi Mack!

Friday 31 July 2020

Retelling a Story

Today in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we were retelling a story.
We used our reading book out of our book bag.
We took photos of the characters and used the scalpel tool in Explain Everything to cut them and get them off the page.
The scalpel tool lets us be really, really careful with our lassoing.

Here is Olivia's work. Her book is Father Bear Goes Fishing. Have you read this book?
Can you see how carefully she has cut around Father Bear?
I like her clear voice too. Ka pai Olivia!

Friday 24 July 2020

Kawa of Care

Today in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we went over our Kawa of Care.
We thought about how we look after our iPad and the things we do when we are using them.
We took photos of a buddy doing the right thing and we recorded ourselves.
We had to say what the Cybersmart thing was that they were doing.

Here is Angus' work.
Can you hear his voice? He is speaking very clearly. Ka pai Angus!

Friday 19 June 2020

Creating Animations

Today in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we created animations in Explain Everything.
We made the objects move with our fingers 
and we recorded our voices at the same time.
Here is Hunter P's work.

Friday 12 June 2020

Learning about the letter 'P'

Today we were learning how to download 
Explain Everything to our iPads.
We did the letter 'P' today.
We used our stylus and held it like a pencil.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Blocks Mania

Look at our new building blocks we have in our playground.
Everyone loves them!

Thursday 23 April 2020

Sharing our Learning Weeks1/2

Here is some of our work from learning at home

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Explain Everything & recording our voice

This week we worked on recording our voice.
We had to take a selfie by turning the camera around.
We had to make sure our shutter button wasn't on the same side as our camera.
We had to use the lasso tool to crop the photo.
And then when we got our photo on our page we had to record our voice.
What a lot of new learning for us all!

Wednesday 11 March 2020


We are Sunflower mad in Room 1.
We have got sunflowers growing at our school. 
They are everywhere!
We drew sunflowers on our iPads this week.
Do you like our creations?

Monday 2 March 2020

Cybersmart with iPads

Our new iPads have arrived.
We have to remember to only use the iPads with our photo and name on it.

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Being Cybersmart - Hug Hold & iPads

We use our Hug Hold when moving around with our iPads.
We were taking photos of round things in our class.
We had to move around lots so we used our Hug Hold.

Creating in Explain Everything

We were being creative in Explain Everything 
when we worked with Mrs Torrie on Being Cybersmart.
This is an app we can use for lots of things.
Today we were drawing in Explain Everything.

Monday 24 February 2020


Look at the Sunflowers we have grown at our school.
Room 1 have painted them and written about them too.

Friday 14 February 2020

Shared Writing

We do shared writing every day.
We read our writing together when we have written it.
We wrote about Olivia going to the farm. 
Olivia is writing her name to start our story.
We are reading our story.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Matawai Pepeha

Matawai School has a pepeha.
We say it lots so we can remember it.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

News Time

In the morning we share news with everyone.
We greet each other politely and we can ask questions 
to find out more.
Jack is sharing his news

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Being Cybersmart

We have started our work with Mrs Torrie about Being Cybersmart.
Today we worked on taking quality photos 
with the Camera App on our iPads.
We had to take a selfie as well.
Then we had to take photos of 5 round things.
We found lots of round things in Room 1.
Taking photos with our iPads
I wonder what these learners found to take photos of?

Friday 7 February 2020

Nau mai, haere mai

Welcome to our class blog.
We look forward to sharing our learning with our school,
our whānau and friends everywhere.