Friday 31 July 2020

Retelling a Story

Today in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we were retelling a story.
We used our reading book out of our book bag.
We took photos of the characters and used the scalpel tool in Explain Everything to cut them and get them off the page.
The scalpel tool lets us be really, really careful with our lassoing.

Here is Olivia's work. Her book is Father Bear Goes Fishing. Have you read this book?
Can you see how carefully she has cut around Father Bear?
I like her clear voice too. Ka pai Olivia!

Friday 24 July 2020

Kawa of Care

Today in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we went over our Kawa of Care.
We thought about how we look after our iPad and the things we do when we are using them.
We took photos of a buddy doing the right thing and we recorded ourselves.
We had to say what the Cybersmart thing was that they were doing.

Here is Angus' work.
Can you hear his voice? He is speaking very clearly. Ka pai Angus!